F108209 - Gotanda Station near the tavern. Hourly wage 1200 yen or more. Wanted [from twice a week going to work OK ★] the person who can customer service with a smile!
- နံပါတ္
- F108209
- Salary
¥ 1,200
※研修は、 ¥ 1,100 - Station
- 五反田駅(Gotanda)駅、徒歩2分
- Working time
- 17:00~5:00
- Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108209 - Gotanda Station near the tavern. Hourly wage 1200 yen or more. Wanted [from twice a week going to work OK ★] the person who can customer service with a smile!
- နံပါတ္
- F108209
- Salary
¥ 1,200
※研修は、 ¥ 1,100 - Station
- 五反田駅(Gotanda)駅、徒歩2分
- Working time
- 17:00~5:00
- Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108210 - #VALUE!
- နံပါတ္
- F108210
- Salary
※研修は、 - Station
- Working time
- Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108210 - #VALUE!
- နံပါတ္
- F108210
- Salary
※研修は、 - Station
- Working time
- Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108210 - #VALUE!
- နံပါတ္
- F108210
- Salary
※研修は、 - Station
- Working time
- Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108211 - Chofu Station near the tavern. Hourly wage 1010 yen or more. Wanted [from twice a week going to work OK ★] the person who can customer service with a smile!
- နံပါတ္
- F108211
- Salary
¥ 1,010
※研修は、 ¥ 985 - Station
- 調布駅(Chofu)駅、徒歩1分
- Working time
- 16:00~5:00
- Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108212 - JR Kokubunji Station near the tavern. Hourly wage 1000 yen or more. Wanted [from twice a week going to work OK ★] the person who can customer service with a smile!
- နံပါတ္
- F108212
- Salary
¥ 1,000
※研修は、 ¥ 985 - Station
- JR国分寺駅(Kokubunji)駅、徒歩1分
- Working time
- 16:00~3:00
- Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108212 - JR Kokubunji Station near the tavern. Hourly wage 1000 yen or more. Wanted [from twice a week going to work OK ★] the person who can customer service with a smile!
- နံပါတ္
- F108212
- Salary
¥ 1,000
※研修は、 ¥ 985 - Station
- JR国分寺駅(Kokubunji)駅、徒歩1分
- Working time
- 16:00~3:00
- Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108213 - Takahatafudō Station near the tavern. Hourly wage 985 yen or more. Wanted [from twice a week going to work OK ★] the person who can customer service with a smile!
- နံပါတ္
- F108213
- Salary
¥ 985
※研修は、 - Station
- 高幡不動駅(Takahatafudo)駅、徒歩1分
- Working time
- 17:00~3:00
- Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108213 - Takahatafudō Station near the tavern. Hourly wage 985 yen or more. Wanted [from twice a week going to work OK ★] the person who can customer service with a smile!
- နံပါတ္
- F108213
- Salary
¥ 985
※研修は、 - Station
- 高幡不動駅(Takahatafudo)駅、徒歩1分
- Working time
- 17:00~3:00
- Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108214 - Takao Station near the tavern. Hourly wage 985 yen or more. Wanted [from twice a week going to work OK ★] the person who can customer service with a smile!
- နံပါတ္
- F108214
- Salary
¥ 985
※研修は、 - Station
- 高尾駅(Takao)駅、徒歩2分
- Working time
※仕込みスタッフは9:00~13:00 - Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108214 - Takao Station near the tavern. Hourly wage 985 yen or more. Wanted [from twice a week going to work OK ★] the person who can customer service with a smile!
- နံပါတ္
- F108214
- Salary
¥ 985
※研修は、 - Station
- 高尾駅(Takao)駅、徒歩2分
- Working time
※仕込みスタッフは9:00~13:00 - Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108215 - Tachikawa Station near the tavern. Hourly wage 1000 yen or more. Wanted [from twice a week going to work OK ★] the person who can customer service with a smile!
- နံပါတ္
- F108215
- Salary
¥ 1,000
※研修は、 ¥ 985 - Station
- 立川駅(Tachikawa)駅、徒歩2分
- Working time
- 16:00~5:00
- Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108216 - Fuchu Station near the tavern. Hourly wage 1100 yen or more. Wanted [from twice a week going to work OK ★] the person who can customer service with a smile!
- နံပါတ္
- F108216
- Salary
¥ 1,100
※研修は、 ¥ 1,000 - Station
- 府中駅(Fuchu)駅、徒歩1分
- Working time
- 17:00~5:00
- Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108217 - Fussa Station near the tavern. Hourly wage 1000 yen or more. Wanted [from twice a week going to work OK ★] the person who can customer service with a smile!
- နံပါတ္
- F108217
- Salary
¥ 1,000
※研修は、 ¥ 985 - Station
- 福生駅(Fussa)駅、徒歩1分
- Working time
- 15:00~24:00
- Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F108217 - Fussa Station near the tavern. Hourly wage 1000 yen or more. Wanted [from twice a week going to work OK ★] the person who can customer service with a smile!
- နံပါတ္
- F108217
- Salary
¥ 1,000
※研修は、 ¥ 985 - Station
- 福生駅(Fussa)駅、徒歩1分
- Working time
- 15:00~24:00
- Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F001048 - Otemachi, Tokyo Station, tavern Hall (1050 yen hourly wage)
- နံပါတ္
- F001048
- Salary
¥ 1,050
※研修100時間は、 ¥ 1,000
※22:00以降は25%UP - Station
大手町(Otemachi)駅、徒歩7分 - Working time
※日曜定休 - Japanese level
- Interview
- 「応募画面」より、希望日を入力して下さい 、
F110005 - #VALUE!
- နံပါတ္
- F110005
- Salary
¥ 1,100
※22:00以降は25%UP - Station
- 品川(Shinagawa)駅、
- Working time
- Japanese level